
Showing posts from 2018
          BE AN INFLUENCER A few weeks ago, two students came to me from the junior school while I was seated in my office and they asked me to teach them the Bible...I was surprised though, they came with their Bibles which means they were prepared to learn something, so we set out to learn. The first question I asked them was, why did you choose me? And one of them replied, because we trust you and we see how you deal with issues. Wow! Quite interesting. I felt happy though because that was a commendation😅. I taught them a few things from the scripture and they ask some questions too. The morals here is not about what they came to do but the heart behind what they came for.  The most important thing here is that as individuals, we are influencers and some people's lives, success and growth is tied to yours. Those young girls identified someone whom they could trust, believe in and ask questions so they made a choice. That was as a result of the attitude and person
COMPASSIONATE LEADERSHIP A phenomenal principle/idea in relations to Africa (Nigeria) We have always faced cases of poor leadership styles in this part of the world. We have also mistaken the identity of leadership to 'rulership'. Often times, we have rulers and not leaders. Our so called leaders (rulers) are not individuals who are compassionate about their call to leadership or course of position. They don't have a mind of the people they lead, they only have a mind of their own and by this, every of their policies are for self -"selfishness". They are not compassionate about the people, they make the people's vote not to count because of their lack of passion for the position. They seem to be full of themselves, thwy make policies and take decisions that does not translate to the well-being of the masses. As long as their needs and their family's are met, they are less concern about the rest. The place of compassion if taken out of leadership