
Showing posts from March, 2019


Recently, I had an opportunity to speak to a couple of young boys and girls trying to enlighten them on "gender roles" in which most times the ladies are perceived as a weaker vessel, they are seen as not having a strong will, they are seen as dependent on the other gender, they are seen as been weak, they are seen as individuals who cannot take up some certain activities and who can't make decisions on their own. The more reason why we have some female folks tagging themselves feminist in a bid to change that perceived mindset of the world about women. Being a feminist is not to usurp the same equal authority over the men but to create as much value as the male gender would create, there isn't or shouldn't be any form of competition between the two gender, everyone has their role and in what capacity to function Being a woman is not the criteria for weakness, it's not the yardstick to measure for less important etc but being a woman actually signifies