
Showing posts from January, 2020

Shoot Your Shot

Today, I watched some of my students play basketball while I do a little coaching and tutoring though I'm not a professional. While one of my players was on the ball, she was too careful not fall down and eventually she looses the ball. Exactly the same way we feel when we want to take some steps, we are always too careful not to fail, too careful to avoid what people would say to us, too careful inorder not to offend people but at the end of the day we loose the essence of what our purpose is. Listen, You don't owe anyone an explanation, people only want to see your success, so why not take that step you think is the hardest and give it your best shot. Though it looks hard but it could be the easiest thing you would ever do. Take your fears away and shoot your shot. Time waits for no man, don't give in to fear or discouragement, mockery or disappointment, no matter what happens always make sure you try it out first. Failure is a path to success, so if you