
Showing posts from April, 2019


DEPRESSION When you hear stories flying around that some persons commits suicide without reasons, don't go too far, it's due to a depressive mood. What is Depression? Depression is an illness or a medical conditions marked by feelings of sadness, worthlessness or hopelessness, as well as problems concentrating and remembering details. Been depressed is a medical condition which has physical symptoms. Few days ago, I read about a student Kolapo by name from a prestigious university in Nigeria which happens to be my alma mata. After he had taken a particular course for three years without passing it, even when he was supposed to have graduated of a five years course, he resulted into committing suicide. That was so saddening and painful. But often times, people under depression find it very difficult to think straight because at that moment, the only thing on their mind is to get through that challenge but as soon as they can't find any solution, they commit s