
Showing posts from June, 2019
THE LEADER-SHIP   Why has Nigeria not improved or developed since her independence? Aren't we praying enough?, Aren't we pragmatic enough? I have viewed Nigeria as one of the most "religious" and not "spiritual" nation in the world. I have also tried to ask myself, why has things not improved despite our commitment to religious activities. Instead of having a better and saner society, decadence has rather been the order of the day. Is it our prayers that are hindering our progress or our less pragmatism and inaction? June 12, 2019 which is today, Nigeria celebrates 20years of uninterrupted democracy which is presently viewed as the best system of government and which is an ideology being pursued by many nations of the world, infact the United Nations. But the truth is this, for the fact that it worked for the rest of the world doesn't mean it will also work for Nigeria though that's not my focus in this article.   We have seen our great n