Why has Nigeria not improved or developed since her independence? Aren't we praying enough?, Aren't we pragmatic enough? I have viewed Nigeria as one of the most "religious" and not "spiritual" nation in the world. I have also tried to ask myself, why has things not improved despite our commitment to religious activities. Instead of having a better and saner society, decadence has rather been the order of the day.
Is it our prayers that are hindering our progress or our less pragmatism and inaction?
June 12, 2019 which is today, Nigeria celebrates 20years of uninterrupted democracy which is presently viewed as the best system of government and which is an ideology being pursued by many nations of the world, infact the United Nations.
But the truth is this, for the fact that it worked for the rest of the world doesn't mean it will also work for Nigeria though that's not my focus in this article.

  We have seen our great nation plagued by several "evil" occurrences, political instability, economic imbalance, societal upheavals, high level of decadence amongst the youth and the young adults, moral degradation, corporate and public corruption at the highest level. All these and more are challenges faced by Nigeria and Nigerians. Many are the churches and religious houses, mosques everywhere yet we don't still have the solutions to these problems. Are we invariably saying that the god we serve is less concerned with our problems or we are posting that God doesn't answer prayers anymore, not St all. So then, what is our problem?

  Leadership gives the ability for one person to influence the other person, for that boy to help this man, for those girls to motivate that less privileged to succeed. The society we belong to today takes no cognisance of these things, everyone runs a race of themselves not minding what feat the other gets to, it is a case of "as long as I'm okay" which is actually devilish in the real sense. Such is the case of Nigeria. Our leaders seem not to be concerned with the numerous problems that sounds in the land, they feel they own the whole of the country but for how long shall we keep depending on a government and leadership that is not compassionate enough to see the tears of her citizens talk much of wiping those years.

  It is not time for the blame game but to find a way out of the numerous problems we find ourselves.
You, you and you, yes you reading, do you know that you also have a great deal of power and abilities to influence what your "leaders" do. Moreover, how much of your abilities have you put to work. There's much you can become if only you know.
Checking those little things that count from dropping your wastes on the highway, shunting the queue, helping your brother with that little thing, you think they are not important. Everyone is an influence in their own little sphere, so do your own part.
Every leader have the ship, LEADER-SHIP, that is you have someone who follows what you do a sheep, do then, how do you manage your sheep "ship". It's in your hands what your society will become, that little ability in your reach, push it out for others to also gain from it. Font be the bourgeois who doesn't care about others. You are a leader with ship "sheep" so feed them well. No matter your level of leadership, organisational, religious, etc.

  Nigerians, it's time to be pragmatic, stop taking God for a liar, he has said it do your part, put it to work, don't go from mountain to mountain praying for that miracle, you are already the miracle so annexe those God given potentials in you, it's in you and you can, so do it.



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