
Showing posts from December, 2019


                                          VALUING RELATIONSHIPS  "Opportunities will not always come, sometimes you have to create them". Create an enabling environment where those opportunities can find you...your location is key, creating, maintaining and valuing relationships is much important. Don't just treat people you meet anyhow, they are your opportunities 😉  Last year November, I attended a conference and one the speaker's story touched and moved me to tears, I was motivated and inspired. From that moment, I looked forward to meeting him personally. Exactly a year after, I find myself in another environment, was in a class, teaching, introduced a few things to my students about me, a few of them got acquainted to me, we got talking. There is this young girl I really took time to relate with, I told her the school I finished from...not knowing she kept everything in her head. The next class, she told me that her parents sent her t