VALUING RELATIONSHIPS

 "Opportunities will not always come, sometimes you have to create them".

Create an enabling environment where those opportunities can find you...your location is key, creating, maintaining and valuing relationships is much important.
Don't just treat people you meet anyhow, they are your opportunities
 Last year November, I attended a conference and one the speaker's story touched and moved me to tears, I was motivated and inspired. From that moment, I looked forward to meeting him personally.
Exactly a year after, I find myself in another environment, was in a class, teaching, introduced a few things to my students about me, a few of them got acquainted to me, we got talking. There is this young girl I really took time to relate with, I told her the school I finished from...not knowing she kept everything in her head.
The next class, she told me that her parents sent her to ask which fellowship I attended on campus, I was surprised anyways I told her and she went home with the same information, and  that ends the discussion.

Just today, (the day after) I called her and asked, do you know any Mr somebody (the person's name) and to my amazement she said, He's my daddy, i was thrilled because fortunately that same man was the one I listened to in a conference a year ago in Lagos whose story touched me.

Treat people well whenever you have the opportunity to do so, relationships takes us to places even more than we can imagine, people are your opportunities.
I met a friend in church sometimes ago, she was a banker in Lagos for eight years before she resigned and moved out of Lagos, she is my seat partner in church so we got talking three weeks back.
She asked me a few questions, I answered, I then made a comment, I said " I need money" for a project, immediately she told me, Victor, you don't need money you only need relationships and she espoused this to me more, when she was done it was as if I've never heard something like that in my entire life.

The essence is that, most people conplains about some certain challenges, it's actually not because those challenges are too big that they can't be solved but it's because they have not aligned themselves with the right people and places. Some don't even value friendship which at the long run cost them so much. We need to learn to value people because in the long run you don't know who among them is your angel investor or benefactor or your inspiration.
 Some friends are just there to inspire you to greatness, some are there to always drag you along with them on their journey to fulfillment.
But more importantly, there are some kind of people you should not allow to stay around you at all and those are "toxic people". These kind of people will not buy into your vision, they will not support your, they will not buy any of your ideas, these kind of people are always pessimistic about any plan you bring to them, they never see any possibility in whatever you want to do, they should not be in your clan, separate the wheat from the chaff.

Value relationships, they are your opportunities


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