
Showing posts from April, 2020


In the year 2000, I was caught in a fix between of making a decision that could change my life for the betterment or the worse, I was naive, inexperienced, I couldn't really choose between right and wrong due to this someone else made the decision for me and at the end of the day that singular decision that was made on my behalf cost me so much in my life was so real, all these happened because I couldn't get some basic thing I need to forge ahead, I had no direction for my life so I couldn't choose right. Have you ever asked yourself or inquire from more experienced persons why you are not making headway? Did you bother to look into the major reason why you are having a setback? The major reason you are struggling through life and you feel like taking your own life or even play the blame game on one person or the other is because you lack a few things, yea, I'm not talking about money here because money does not answer to everything moreover, money i