In the year 2000, I was caught in a fix between of making a decision that could change my life for the betterment or the worse, I was naive, inexperienced, I couldn't really choose between right and wrong due to this someone else made the decision for me and at the end of the day that singular decision that was made on my behalf cost me so much in my life pursuit...it was so real, all these happened because I couldn't get some basic thing I need to forge ahead, I had no direction for my life so I couldn't choose right.

Have you ever asked yourself or inquire from more experienced persons why you are not making headway? Did you bother to look into the major reason why you are having a setback? The major reason you are struggling through life and you feel like taking your own life or even play the blame game on one person or the other is because you lack a few things, yea, I'm not talking about money here because money does not answer to everything moreover, money is not the first step towards achieving greatness.

Why do men fail?
These few factors are a few out of many reasons why men fail but at the same time few of the most important reasons. Let's check them ;

What's your desire, what is your strong feeling? Your desire shows how much success you can achieve, how much up the ladder you can climb. Most people who fail are people who don't really have strong desires to achieve something. Some people are not even attached to their job in anyway, either you have a career, a business, or a job, you must have an emotional attachment to it which shows your desire of what you do or wants to do. You should also ask yourself "what do I want"? If you can then you can build a strong desire towards what you do then you can get through the challenges.

It is said that when you don't have a destination every bus stops looks right and when you don't have a direction you can not have a destination. Your direction gives you a sense of responsibility, of focus which tells you where to go, but most people don't know where to go and how to get there, here your vision is a key tool. You need direction so as to know how you will embark on that journey and which route to ply.

I remember been given an award fee years back while I worked and served with a religious organisation, I was awarded the 'the most dedicated member' that actually feels good on me, yes I was dedicated not because I needed an award but because I found purpose in what I do, except you find purpose in what you do you can't be committed yo that course. Organisations seek individual will commit themselves to improving the efficiency, the way of doing business, the output etc not people who won't even have a thought of their organisation for a second except they are at work. Dedication must be won if success must be attained, people who fail have less dedicative spirit towards what they so

At this point, you must train yourself : spirit, soul and body to achieve your goals. Most we want the pleasures of life, we want a rollercoaster ride yet we aren't ready to give it all it takes. Yes, you must be disciplined if you must. Discipline yourself to study hard, discipline yourself to be creative, discipline yourself to have better attitudes to work. It cannot be overemphasized that your attitude speaks volume on your way up and even when you are finally up. Discipline yourself, don't be a mediocre, take responsibility for everything at your disposal, be proactive, don't procrastinate, give people evidences of doubt, let them a good testimony of you.

Your journey is determined by where you want to go and when you finally embark on it, you then need to do all it takes to arrive at your destination at the set time.


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