
Showing posts from June, 2020


The word leverage is a physics concept which means the exertion of force by means of a lever. That is to say, force was exerted but by means of something, a level. Now, that brings us to the context here, leverage in business, leadership or life. According to the w5 consulting, leverage is a general technique to maximise gain and losses. That's if you would gain anything measurable out of life you must be able to leverage on a few things or opportunities. Everyone has something to leverage on no matter how little. Some times you see some popular musicians whose parents are well to do, they tap into the wealth available and they made something tangible out of it. Leverage does not mean you will or should be lazy it's only an avenue to push up using something. There are several things you can leverage on ranging from from other people's money (OPM), other people's resources (OPR), other people's idea (OPI), other people's time (OPT) and many others. You see, if yo