The word leverage is a physics concept which means the exertion of force by means of a lever. That is to say, force was exerted but by means of something, a level. Now, that brings us to the context here, leverage in business, leadership or life. According to the w5 consulting, leverage is a general technique to maximise gain and losses. That's if you would gain anything measurable out of life you must be able to leverage on a few things or opportunities.
Everyone has something to leverage on no matter how little. Some times you see some popular musicians whose parents are well to do, they tap into the wealth available and they made something tangible out of it. Leverage does not mean you will or should be lazy it's only an avenue to push up using something.

There are several things you can leverage on ranging from from other people's money (OPM), other people's resources (OPR), other people's idea (OPI), other people's time (OPT) and many others. You see, if you can't leverage on some of these things climbing up the ladder might become so difficult.
A few things you can leverage on are


The age we are in right now is an age where technology has taken over some business activities the least of it is your cell phone through which you can connect the world at the same make so much money through it. You have something so use it.


Not everyone had the opportunity to attend school especially tertiary institution, now you have that opportunity which means you can leverage on your education, the knowledge you have gained over time can be applied to profer solutions to some known problems, that's why you went to school.

Coming up with ideas might become a very cumbersome job yet there a million and one ideas out there which you can leverage on, don't wait, even though it us very important that you're creative and create great ideas yet it is not out of place tapping from people's idea and setting yourself up still you should put in mind not to lift everything someone else has done, you might be sued for plagiarism.

What are you leveraging on today, don't you think you're staying too long on your execution, start now, yes right now. 
Till I come your way again, keep growing.


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