In the last few weeks the world has been visited with one of the deadliest disease ever experienced... CORONA VIRUS. Yes it's deadly to the extent of claiming over 200,000 lives.
In the wake of December 2019, China announced the outbreak of the deadly disease that has ravaged the world. From country to country, community to community, people from different backgrounds, government and policy makers, medical professionals finding solutions through the development of vaccines yet no headway.

I am not writing to tell you about the history of corona virus, not at all. The most important reason for the article is for you to sit down and rethink. The global system has already been disrupted, the political and socio economic walkway is no more the same and that tells you that even the human life will never be the same too.

The way of doing business has changed, socio gathering has too, human perception to life has also changed. It will not be business as usual, many company staffs will be retrenched,sacked! Oh, it's already happening.
So as for you, what will you do differently post-covid19?

If your organisation only makes money through physical contact, then it's high time you worked on your tech space, create a presence online where customers meets buyers, and if you must meet physically, a few percentage of your workforce could work from home while others go to the office space, well, that is already happening.

Mind you, I personally have started finding ways of improving my business after all these brouhaha, I want to do a few things differently, you want to learn how then you can subscribe to this blog and I will give you updates on what to do and how to do it.

The days ahead are not any easier, check the forecast and start to see what more you can do and how you can do it much better.
Just few days ago, the zoom app was worth more than the top four airlines in the world, this was an app that nobody knew anything about three years back but they recognise the time we are in and they came up with such strong idea and boom, it boomed.

Have you recognised what you can do differently at this time? Some of the most successful businesses in the world came out during time of crises, which means there's is a positive impact in crises too, not all situations are bad.


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