
Showing posts from 2019


                                          VALUING RELATIONSHIPS  "Opportunities will not always come, sometimes you have to create them". Create an enabling environment where those opportunities can find you...your location is key, creating, maintaining and valuing relationships is much important. Don't just treat people you meet anyhow, they are your opportunities 😉  Last year November, I attended a conference and one the speaker's story touched and moved me to tears, I was motivated and inspired. From that moment, I looked forward to meeting him personally. Exactly a year after, I find myself in another environment, was in a class, teaching, introduced a few things to my students about me, a few of them got acquainted to me, we got talking. There is this young girl I really took time to relate with, I told her the school I finished from...not knowing she kept everything in her head. The next class, she told me that her parents sent her t


WORK AND PRAY... The life of the Lord Jesus Christ portrays a perfect example for us all to follow. The greatest teacher I have come across in my entirety is CHRIST.  Christ showed us a perfect example of what our living should be like not by saying it but by living it. He worked and He prayed, he never left anything to chance or allowing nature to take its turn on him. In our world of today, many at times we want some things to happen overnight after we have taken our sessions in vigils and prayers for breakthrough calling it miracle yet we never moved an inch from our comfort zone to go get what to eat or wear yet we want God to answer such prayers and if he doesn't some folks will threaten the person of God that they won't attend services or meetings...hmmm, quite funny though. The truth about this matter is that, blessings listens to hardwork even your breakthrough. Breakthrough doesn't come to lazy people, neither does God bless
THE LEADER-SHIP   Why has Nigeria not improved or developed since her independence? Aren't we praying enough?, Aren't we pragmatic enough? I have viewed Nigeria as one of the most "religious" and not "spiritual" nation in the world. I have also tried to ask myself, why has things not improved despite our commitment to religious activities. Instead of having a better and saner society, decadence has rather been the order of the day. Is it our prayers that are hindering our progress or our less pragmatism and inaction? June 12, 2019 which is today, Nigeria celebrates 20years of uninterrupted democracy which is presently viewed as the best system of government and which is an ideology being pursued by many nations of the world, infact the United Nations. But the truth is this, for the fact that it worked for the rest of the world doesn't mean it will also work for Nigeria though that's not my focus in this article.   We have seen our great n


DEPRESSION When you hear stories flying around that some persons commits suicide without reasons, don't go too far, it's due to a depressive mood. What is Depression? Depression is an illness or a medical conditions marked by feelings of sadness, worthlessness or hopelessness, as well as problems concentrating and remembering details. Been depressed is a medical condition which has physical symptoms. Few days ago, I read about a student Kolapo by name from a prestigious university in Nigeria which happens to be my alma mata. After he had taken a particular course for three years without passing it, even when he was supposed to have graduated of a five years course, he resulted into committing suicide. That was so saddening and painful. But often times, people under depression find it very difficult to think straight because at that moment, the only thing on their mind is to get through that challenge but as soon as they can't find any solution, they commit s


Recently, I had an opportunity to speak to a couple of young boys and girls trying to enlighten them on "gender roles" in which most times the ladies are perceived as a weaker vessel, they are seen as not having a strong will, they are seen as dependent on the other gender, they are seen as been weak, they are seen as individuals who cannot take up some certain activities and who can't make decisions on their own. The more reason why we have some female folks tagging themselves feminist in a bid to change that perceived mindset of the world about women. Being a feminist is not to usurp the same equal authority over the men but to create as much value as the male gender would create, there isn't or shouldn't be any form of competition between the two gender, everyone has their role and in what capacity to function Being a woman is not the criteria for weakness, it's not the yardstick to measure for less important etc but being a woman actually signifies