FEAR is a false evidence of truth. It doesn't work on its own, it depends on a truth to show up, without any truth, fear can not operate. So, does that speak anything to your heart?

Well, FEAR in summary is False Evidence Appearing Real, so you can see. The truth about this matter is that everyone has an element of fear especially when they are about to do something different or advance a course, or take up a new challenge, at these times, fear will set in.
So then we have two dominate fears which you must overcome if you would breakthrough and achieve success.

The first dominant fear is REJECTION
Rejection is simply the refusal to accept something. For instance, you had plans to start a business or an advancement in your career, you told it to some people either friends or family members and refuse your idea, certainly you can't feel cool or happy, about emotion will be affected, yea that's true. At this point, you have been rejected, but initially, you already had that same feelings of people not accepting your idea so it came to reality.
Most times, we have the Fear of rejection, will they accept me, will she give me a yes, will I get the job, you already lost your confidence with this kind of feelings even before you set out. Its important that you wear your confidence every now and then so as to overcome that challenge, few times, it's that confidence that does the job, take out your rejection thought and tell yourself, I can win, I can achieve it, I can be successful etc.

The second dominant fear is CHANGE
Yea, Change is a very common word we use in almost everyday activity yet it has a great meaning. There is this popular saying by Mahatma Gandhi "Be the change You want to see in others".
You see, people fear change a great deal, many tend to fear change, they don't want to change their look because of what people will say, they don't want to change the job they do because they can't face new challenges, they don't want to leave that abusive relationship because they have spent years building it and all sorts, if you refuse to make change happen in that your situation without minding what people will say or how they will react to your attitude then you might be in for a lifetime of regret. Yea, when people refuse change, they regret it at the end of the day.

Let me tell you a short personal story; After my secondary school education, I graduated as a science student but I had no headway in my examinations even after I have written it like three times, critical right?
One night, I went to my father and told him I want to change from the sciences to art, he asked why and I told him of my predicaments again not because he doesn't know. He agreed that I change course, he gave me just a government textbook to study and review by evening when he's back from work. I took my time, studied it within four hours because I must be convincing enough, right in the evening all members of my family were seated while I became the teacher, I tutored them in government, after the class my dad gave me a nod to go seat for another exam in the art subjects...the rest is history.
Morals of this story is that I didn't care how many years I have been in the sciences, I saw a need to change something and I did. Certainly it was not an easy feat for me but I did it.
Change is inevitable to anyone who wants to chat a course to success.

Our fears must be smashed if we must be successful and climb up the ladder to greatness..


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