Business growth is the aim of every entrepreneur or business person. Everyone envisage that when they start a business, it should grow, which means there must be profit accruing from the business, or the rate of turn over is high but the truth of the matter is that, not every business grows, some persons have not mastered the art of doing business, sometimes, you might even invest huge amount of 💰 yet have low returns. There is something you must do or be doing that you have not done.
Business men are people with thick skin who can stand through challenging times, withstand the ups and downs of the business either there's an upsurge or downturn; so what do you do?

  • Creativity
Most business that crashed within time was because they lack the creative narratives to scale up . The 21st century is an age where people are dolling out great ideas, superb brand strategies, if you have an existing business and you and your team can't come up with a creative narrative then decline is inevitable. 

  • Financial Prudence
This can never be over emphasized; Dr Sam Adeyemi narrated his experience about financial prudence, he said at a point in his life, he had a flow of income and he kept giving money to people, he wants to help every single person who ask, he said he later finds out that, that was affecting his finance growth then he had to stop. Listen, that little money you have or have made can become a great deal if only you can be financially prudent with your spending. Learn to spend on the most important things and weigh your options on luxury.

  • Time management
If you cannot manage time then your life is wasted because life is measured in time. What do you use your time for? You must be able to manage time inorder to help your business growth, you should know what time to resume, what time make orders, what time to take stocks etc, a minute wasted is a life wasted. If you your subordinate or staff to resume 8am then you should not becoming by 12pm when you don't have any tangible meeting out there.

  • Provide Great services/product 
The level of satisfaction of your clients/customers is determined by the quality of your product/service. Your main reason being in business is to meet people's need so if at the end of the day you still could not meet their needs then why are you in business. Ask yourself why some products go extinct, it's simple, one of the reasons is that they do not maintain the reason they were in business or maybe they don't even have a concrete reason for been in business. So if you may start, you must ask yourself, why am I going into business. If you must grow your business then you must provide great services.

  • Use technology to your advantage
I know a print and design company in town, they had no online presence whatsoever. I enquire from my nephew who works with them why they don't use the internet for their business, after like four days, book, I received a text message from this same company, and later saw a Facebook page belonging to them. I smiled, not sarcastically though. The internet gives your business the opportunity to reach a large variety of people and it connects you with the prospective clients, use it to your advantage, you can't go wrong with it, promote your business on social media, create an online presence and be visible to the world. 
Your business growth is your business take it seriously.
You can drop your comments if you have any questions or send me a mail by filling the form on this blog page.

To your success.


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