

The word leverage is a physics concept which means the exertion of force by means of a lever. That is to say, force was exerted but by means of something, a level. Now, that brings us to the context here, leverage in business, leadership or life. According to the w5 consulting, leverage is a general technique to maximise gain and losses. That's if you would gain anything measurable out of life you must be able to leverage on a few things or opportunities. Everyone has something to leverage on no matter how little. Some times you see some popular musicians whose parents are well to do, they tap into the wealth available and they made something tangible out of it. Leverage does not mean you will or should be lazy it's only an avenue to push up using something. There are several things you can leverage on ranging from from other people's money (OPM), other people's resources (OPR), other people's idea (OPI), other people's time (OPT) and many others. You see, if yo


Business growth is the aim of every entrepreneur or business person. Everyone envisage that when they start a business, it should grow, which means there must be profit accruing from the business, or the rate of turn over is high but the truth of the matter is that, not every business grows, some persons have not mastered the art of doing business, sometimes, you might even invest huge amount of 💰 yet have low returns. There is something you must do or be doing that you have not done. Business men are people with thick skin who can stand through challenging times, withstand the ups and downs of the business either there's an upsurge or downturn; so what do you do? Creativity Most business that crashed within time was because they lack the creative narratives to scale up . The 21st century is an age where people are dolling out great ideas, superb brand strategies, if you have an existing business and you and your team can't come up with a creative narrative then decline is ine


In the last few weeks the world has been visited with one of the deadliest disease ever experienced... CORONA VIRUS. Yes it's deadly to the extent of claiming over 200,000 lives. In the wake of December 2019, China announced the outbreak of the deadly disease that has ravaged the world. From country to country, community to community, people from different backgrounds, government and policy makers, medical professionals finding solutions through the development of vaccines yet no headway. I am not writing to tell you about the history of corona virus, not at all. The most important reason for the article is for you to sit down and rethink. The global system has already been disrupted, the political and socio economic walkway is no more the same and that tells you that even the human life will never be the same too. The way of doing business has changed, socio gathering has too, human perception to life has also changed. It will not be business as usual, many company staffs w


In the year 2000, I was caught in a fix between of making a decision that could change my life for the betterment or the worse, I was naive, inexperienced, I couldn't really choose between right and wrong due to this someone else made the decision for me and at the end of the day that singular decision that was made on my behalf cost me so much in my life was so real, all these happened because I couldn't get some basic thing I need to forge ahead, I had no direction for my life so I couldn't choose right. Have you ever asked yourself or inquire from more experienced persons why you are not making headway? Did you bother to look into the major reason why you are having a setback? The major reason you are struggling through life and you feel like taking your own life or even play the blame game on one person or the other is because you lack a few things, yea, I'm not talking about money here because money does not answer to everything moreover, money i


FEAR is a false evidence of truth. It doesn't work on its own, it depends on a truth to show up, without any truth, fear can not operate. So, does that speak anything to your heart? Well, FEAR in summary is False Evidence Appearing Real, so you can see. The truth about this matter is that everyone has an element of fear especially when they are about to do something different or advance a course, or take up a new challenge, at these times, fear will set in. So then we have two dominate fears which you must overcome if you would breakthrough and achieve success. The first dominant fear is REJECTION Rejection is simply the refusal to accept something. For instance, you had plans to start a business or an advancement in your career, you told it to some people either friends or family members and refuse your idea, certainly you can't feel cool or happy, about emotion will be affected, yea that's true. At this point, you have been rejected, but initially, you already had

Shoot Your Shot

Today, I watched some of my students play basketball while I do a little coaching and tutoring though I'm not a professional. While one of my players was on the ball, she was too careful not fall down and eventually she looses the ball. Exactly the same way we feel when we want to take some steps, we are always too careful not to fail, too careful to avoid what people would say to us, too careful inorder not to offend people but at the end of the day we loose the essence of what our purpose is. Listen, You don't owe anyone an explanation, people only want to see your success, so why not take that step you think is the hardest and give it your best shot. Though it looks hard but it could be the easiest thing you would ever do. Take your fears away and shoot your shot. Time waits for no man, don't give in to fear or discouragement, mockery or disappointment, no matter what happens always make sure you try it out first. Failure is a path to success, so if you


                                          VALUING RELATIONSHIPS  "Opportunities will not always come, sometimes you have to create them". Create an enabling environment where those opportunities can find you...your location is key, creating, maintaining and valuing relationships is much important. Don't just treat people you meet anyhow, they are your opportunities 😉  Last year November, I attended a conference and one the speaker's story touched and moved me to tears, I was motivated and inspired. From that moment, I looked forward to meeting him personally. Exactly a year after, I find myself in another environment, was in a class, teaching, introduced a few things to my students about me, a few of them got acquainted to me, we got talking. There is this young girl I really took time to relate with, I told her the school I finished from...not knowing she kept everything in her head. The next class, she told me that her parents sent her t